Mutant Town
24 messages
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Michael Yang
I had been wondering where in the city Mutant Town was supposed to be - I hoped Alphabet City, but I didn't want to be greedy. It took me forever to find a reference, but yes, Mutant Town's right in Alphabet City. Good for the mutants! Probably all salsa dancing and drinking Pabst.
Sean Boyland
Alan Yang
To: Sean Boyland
Where's the reference?
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
The establishing shot (and that issue of X-Factor) don't look exactly like the homestead, but they don't not look like it. My question is where do humans go to drink if Alphabet City is mutant territory?
Sean Boyland
Alan Yang
To: Sean Boyland
I'll tell you who the real mutant is ...
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
Steedman's no X-Man... more like an XL-Man!
Sean Boyland
Alan Yang
To: Sean Boyland
If she were an X-Man, though, I know who she'd be ...
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
The Beast is too smart! She's sort of like Rogue - Southern, and if she ever touched me, my soul would die.
Sean Boyland
Alan Yang
To: Sean Boyland
Have you seen the episode of X-Men the animated series where Beast is in jail and he is reading a book while in jail?
The book he is reading? Animal Farm.
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
I have not - I hoped I could find a "screen cap" online. You know, is he holding the book with his foot, is he hanging upside down? It turns out that googling "animal farm" beast "x-men" gets you a lot of bestiality links.
Someone should start a web site - I guess they're called "flickr groups" or something now - of books that people read on TV and in movies. Always so much elliptical symbolism! Or explicit symbolism! Or just Animal Farm!
Sean Boyland
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
In the attached sequence, Professor X is reading an issue of L'intelligent with a cover story about Le Professeur X.
With which of the X-Men do you most identify personally?
Sean Boyland
Alan Yang
To: Sean Boyland
That is a good question. In my youth I would have said Beast, and I'm not sure things have changed all that much.
The real answer, of course, is Sunfire. How about you?
Also, I really hated Cyclops in the animated series.
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
Well, Beast. Eben and Yank were ragging on me, and I was like, what? Obviously Beast. Cyclops was a huge drip in the cartoon, and some of the rest of the time. I like Cyclops sometimes, but I'm definitely not a Cyclops.
I also said I feel sort of like Shadowcat as a "joke," but I also identify with her. I wonder how old the grown-up X-Men are supposed to be now? Am I older than Storm and Colossus?
One dude I do not identify with is Colossus in the Ultimate book - he's gay!!!
Sean Boyland
Alan Yang
To: Sean Boyland
Who the hell did Eben and Yank think they were?
We're all Beasts.
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
Eben thought Iceman, which I can kind of see, although he didn't even know that Iceman is a CPA, so the guys not playing with a full deck. Yank wasn't really sure.
I was thinking, what if, like, we're all just Madrox's dupes? And then one day the original Madrox comes back to absorb us all back up? Will we come back out the same again? Heavy stuff.
Eben and Yank even acted like I was flattering myself to choose Beast since I am not a doctor nor very fit - I pointed out that Beast is long-winded, and that many of the other X-Men I could have chosen from also have talents beyond my own. The naive fools!
Remember, you are also sort of like Jubilee. Or Silver Samurai. Or Ultimate Colossus - ya burnt!
Sean Boyland
Alan Yang
To: Sean Boyland
For some reason Eben strikes me as similar to Iceman but not similar to Bobby Drake, if that makes any sense. Yank ... Beast.
I always liked Multiple Man, even in the stupid government incarnation of X-Factor.
I guess who I'm most like is actually Xorn.
The bad thing about having all your friends be Lampoonos is that everyone is bunch of Beasts and Ravenclaws. For instance, who is our Nightcrawler?
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
Yeah, you can only use Gamez as a valid answer for so many of our social openings before it gets a bit silly. Like Wolverine, he would become pretty overextended with all his commitments.
Sean Boyland
Sean Boyland
To: Alan Yang
It appears that Emma Frost was 27 a few years ago, which I assume means that she is currently 27. She has, in her time, served as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, formed and led the Massachusetts Academy, and the Hellions, co-led Generation X, taught in Genosha, and joined the X-Men. She is also a socialite and major slut and a hedonist. She also did a bunch of other shit I forgot about. I am positively boring compared to her!
Sean Boyland
Nightcrawler = Jesse Green